Upper Room KC Programs

A Non-Profit Alliance for Kansas City

A Non-Profit Alliance for Kansas City

During the COVID-19 pandemic, when schools were closed and Kansas City families needed help more than ever before, an alliance of nonprofit leaders took the initiative to collectively establish educational programs for children in our community without any direction, funding, or support. Without hesitation, they successfully created an alliance to address the need for local child education services.

“We decided we were going to believe in each other. We’re going to trust one another and trust this process. That, as long as we’re doing the right thing for children and families, everything else will be fine … I think it was our finest hour.

— Tonia Gilbert, Executive Director, Upper Room

Five non-profit leaders, including Tonia Gilbert, formed and somehow found funding for the Out-of-School-Time Collaborative that would allow them to open locations across the city where young people could stay all day, be safe, and continue to learn. The program launched in September 2020, and despite many challenges, successfully continued through the end of the academic year in May 2021.

Please visit the Kauffman Foundation‘s original post with full details.

Kansas City non-profit leaders

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